Medens Health
What We Do
Who We Are
Partner With Us
For Clients
Your success begins with consistent treatment, so we're committed to supporting you regularly. Likewise, we hope you will commit to consistently attending all scheduled appointment times or to cancel appointments if needed with at least 24 hours' notice.
How to Cancel an Appointment
Available appointments are in high demand, and your cancellation will allow someone else to access timely care. If you need to cancel your appointment, we ask that you give us 48 hours notice by responding to the appointment reminder or contacting your provider directly. If you need to cancel a Monday appointment over the weekend, contact your provider directly or email us at hello@medenshealth.com.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, your session may be canceled. If you arrive late to your appointment, the session will still end at the scheduled time, allowing your provider to transition to their next appointment.
Service Fees for Cancellations
Please note that the following fees apply for cancellations and no-shows to appointments:
• If you contact us to cancel a scheduled appointment with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged a $150 service fee.
• If you fail to attend a scheduled appointment and do not contact us before that appointment to cancel, you will be charged a $150 service fee. Three consecutive no-shows may result in automatic removal from the regular schedule.
These charges cannot be billed to your insurance, and we will charge the cancellation fee to the credit card on file for your account. Your provider will allow you to reschedule your appointment as schedules permit.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cancellation policy, please contact our Compliance Officer using one of the methods below.
Medens Health
Attention: Compliance Officer
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Phone: 833-953-7900
Fax: 844-654-2900
Email: complianceofficer@medenshealth.com
Effective Date
This revised Cancellation Policy is effective April 1, 2023.
We use cookies to recognize you when you visit our website. Sometimes, we may use cookies to collect personal information, which becomes personal if we combine it with other information. This policy explains what these technologies are, why we use them, and your rights to control our use of them.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Website owners widely use cookies to improve the performance of their websites and provide reporting information.The Cookies we set are called "first-party cookies."
Cookies set by parties other than us are called "third-party cookies." Third-party cookies enable third-party features or functionality on or through the website (e.g., advertising, interactive content, and analytics). The parties that set these third-party cookies can recognize your computer when it visits the website in question and when it visits certain other websites.
Why does Medens Health use cookies?
We use first- and third-party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our website to operate, and we refer to these as "essential" or "strictly necessary" cookies. Other cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our patients to enhance their experience.
How can I control cookies?
You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. You can exercise your cookie rights by setting your preferences in the Cookie Consent Manager. The Cookie Consent Manager allows you to select which categories of cookies you accept or reject. Essential cookies cannot be rejected as they are strictly necessary to provide you with services.
The Cookie Consent Manager can be found on our website. If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use our website though your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted. You may also set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies.
The specific types of first- and third-party cookies served through our website and the purposes they perform are described below:
How can I control cookies on my browser?
As how you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser to browser, you should visit your browser's help menu for more information. Instructions on how to manage cookies on the most popular browsers can be found in the following links:
Internet Explorer
Does Medens Health serve targeted advertising?
Third parties may use cookies on your computer or mobile device to advertise through our website. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other websites to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services you may be interested in. They may also employ technology used to measure advertisements' effectiveness. They can accomplish this by using cookies or web beacons to collect information about your visits to this and other sites to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services of potential interest to you. The information collected through this process does not enable us or them to identify your name, contact details, or other details that directly identify you unless you provide these.
Where can I get more information?
If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please contact our Compliance Officer using one of the methods below.
Medens Health
Attention: Compliance Officer
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Phone: 833-953-7900
Fax: 844-654-2900
Email: complianceofficer@medenshealth.com
Effective Date
This revised Cookie Policy is effective April 1, 2023.
Many of us have become so accustomed to using email, text, and social media that we often turn to them anytime we wish to contact someone, whether that contact is personal or professional. However, due to the sensitive nature of our work and the laws of our governing boards, Medens Health must take great care in using electronic communication with our clients. This is to protect both you and your provider.
We have prepared the following policy regarding our use of electronic methods of communication during your treatment. This policy is in place to ensure security and confidentiality for you and to ensure we follow all ethical and legal standards. Please read it to understand how we conduct ourselves on the Internet as mental health professionals and how you can expect your provider to respond to various interactions that may occur between you on the Internet.
When emailing clients, we only discuss administrative details, such as making or rescheduling appointments, billing, and other similar matters. Your privacy is important to us; no email is completely secure or confidential. Therefore, please do not email anyone at Medens Health content related to your treatment. Instead, feel free to call us to discuss anything that cannot wait until your next appointment.
If you choose to communicate with us by email, be aware that all emails are stored in the logs of both of our Internet service providers. We want to emphasize that while it is unlikely that someone will be looking at these logs, they are, in theory, available to be read by the system administrator(s) of the Internet service provider. Additionally, any emails we receive from you and any responses that we send to you are handled with the utmost professionalism and become a part of your legal record with Medens Health.
Text Messaging
Text messaging, including iMessage, is a very insecure and impersonal mode of communication. To protect you and Medens Health, our providers do not send or respond to text messages unless you consent to receive secure communications. If you have opted in to receive appointment reminders via text message, be aware these messages are automatically generated, and responses are not monitored.
Social Media
Personal use of social media:
The providers at Medens Health may have personal profiles on one or more social networks Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SnapChat, TikTok, X (formally Twitter), etc. Mental health professionals are prohibited from having what is called a “dual relationship” with their patients. This means that they cannot be your provider and also be your friend on social media. Because of this, our providers will not respond to or accept any connection requests to their personal social media accounts. You are welcome to like, follow, or view the business page of Medens Health or of our providers on any social media network, but we have no expectation that you will do this.
If one of our providers discovers that they have accidentally established an online relationship with you, they will have no choice but to cancel it. They do this because it can compromise confidentiality, creating significant security risks. It may also blur the boundaries of your professional relationship with that provider, which can lessen their ability to help you. Please do not try to contact them in this way. They will not respond and will be forced to terminate any online contact, no matter how accidental. If you have questions, please call the office or bring them up when you meet with your provider.
The providers at Medens Health may participate in various social networks in professional capacities. You may encounter them on these networks by accident if you have an online presence. If that occurs, please discuss it with your provider during your time together. Any communication with clients online has a high potential to compromise the professional relationship, and that relationship is crucial to us.
Professional use of social media:
Medens Health and its providers may maintain a business page or profile for their professional practices on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or other social media networks. This is to allow us to share my blog posts, information about our practice, and any updates with other users of these networks.
You are welcome to view and/or follow our business page(s) on these social networks, read or share articles posted there, and react to or comment on their posts. We have no expectation that you will do so.
If you do choose to view our business page(s) on social media, please be aware that:
• The posts are not a replacement for therapy.
• The information contained in the posts is general information for educational purposes only.
• The information on the feeds is not, nor is it intended to be, therapy or psychological advice.
• Nothing we post should be considered professional advice.
• We are not able to answer questions regarding your specific situation.
• If you are a current or former patient, your comments or likes may jeopardize your confidentiality.
• The information provided does not constitute the formation of a provider patient relationship.
• Please consult your physician or mental health provider regarding advice or support for your health and wellbeing.
• If you are in crisis, please call your local 24-hour hotline or 911.
Maintaining patient confidentiality on social media:
Mental Health professionals cannot publicly identify you as a client and the fact that you are a client is confidential. This confidentiality is protected by the laws of our governing boards. If you choose to comment on a post on one of our business pages in such a way that makes it apparent that you are a client, we cannot respond and we may delete the comment to protect all parties. If this happens, your provider will discuss it with you in your next session. Examples of appropriate vs. inappropriate comments include:
Inappropriate: “I had a great time with you in my session today!” (We cannot reply to this, as any reply we made would confirm that you are a client. We may delete this comment.)
Appropriate: “Thanks for sharing this article!” (This does not identify you as a client. We will most likely reply with something impersonal such as “I’m glad you liked it!”)
It is important for you to consider the implications for your own privacy when viewing, connecting to, or interacting with our business pages on social media networks. If you react to, share/retweet, or comment on one of our posts, other users will be able to see that you did this. Additionally, on some social networks, others can view your profile and see which pages you have liked and/or are following. If they do this, they may make the assumption that you are a client with Medens Health. We assume no responsibility if anyone uses your connection to our social media page(s) to determine that you are a client with us.
Our primary concern is your privacy. If you share this concern, there are more private ways to follow us on social networks (such as using an RSS feed or a locked Twitter list), which would eliminate your having a public link to our content. You are welcome to use your own discretion in choosing whether to follow us.
Note that Medens Health and its providers will not follow you back. We only follow other health professionals on social media and we do not follow current or former clients. This is because we believe that casual viewing of clients’ online content outside of the therapy hour can create confusion in regard to whether it’s being done as a part of your treatment or to satisfy our personal curiosity. In addition, viewing your online activities without your consent and without explicit arrangement towards a specific purpose could have a negative influence on your working relationship with your provider. If there are things from your online life that you wish to share with your provider, please bring them in to your sessions where you can explore them together.
Information shared by us on social media:
Mental health professionals cannot share details about you and your treatment, even if we omit your name. You will never see a social media post from Medens Health or any of its providers about our work together. Even if you are making astounding progress and your provider thoroughly enjoys working with you, they cannot post about it on social media, even in general terms. If you believe that Medens Health or one of its providers is alluding to you in anything we post on social media, it is likely to be coincidental. If you feel this isn’t the case, please call the office or bring it up with your provider the next time you meet.
Interactions with us on our social media business pages:
Because social media is a very public space, Medens Health and its providers maintain a professional tone in social media channels. It is very different from how we will communicate with you in the office or during sessions. Please do not be offended if you perceive us as cold, distant, or unresponsive on social media. We cannot reply to your comments in any way that would allow others to guess that you are a client.
Communication via direct/private messages on social media:
Private or direct messages on social media platforms are not HIPAA compliant means of communication. Social media accounts are hacked all the time and any information you share with me over these messaging services may become public. We cannot communicate with you that way. If you need to tell us something outside of your sessions, you should call the office.
Professional advice over social media:
Aside from posting and sharing general advice for everyone, mental health professionals cannot give specific advice to individuals over social media, whether they are our clients or not. If you or someone else comments on one of our posts or sends us a private message over social media seeking advice for a specific situation, we will advise you to contact the office.
We have a website that you are free to access. Each of our providers may also have their own professional websites. We use these websites for professional reasons to provide information to others about ourselves and our practices. You are welcome to review the information that we have on our websites and, if you have questions about it, you should call the office or discuss it with your provider during your therapy sessions.
Use of Search Engines
It is not a regular part of our providers’ practice to search for clients on Google, Facebook, or other search engines. We feel that this is a violation of your privacy. If there is anything your provider wants to know about you, they will ask you and let you decide if you wish to tell them.
We understand that you might choose to gather information about our providers in this way. If you encounter any information about a provider through web searches (or other means) that you find concerning, please discuss this with our office or your provider so that we can deal with it and its potential impact on your treatment.
Extremely rare exceptions may be made during times of crisis. If we have a reason to suspect that you are in danger and you have not been in touch with us via our usual means (coming to appointments, speaking on the phone, or communication through email), we may resort to using a search engine to ensure your safety. We might do this to find you, find someone close to you, or to check on your recent status updates. These are unusual situations and if we ever resort to such means, we will fully document them and discuss them with you when we next meet.
Business Review Sites
You may find Medens Health or the practices of our providers on sites such as Google Maps, Yelp, Healthgrades, or other places that list businesses. Some of these sites allow clients to review their health care providers. Many of these sites automatically add listings regardless of whether the business has added itself to the site.
If you should find our listing or the listing of any of our providers on any of these sites, please know that these listings are NOT a request for a testimonial, rating, or endorsement from you as a client. The American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code prohibits mental health professionals from soliciting testimonials from clients.
Of course, you have a right to express yourself on any site you wish. But due to confidentiality, we cannot respond to any review on any of these sites whether it is positive or negative. We urge you to take your own privacy as seriously as we take our commitment of confidentiality to you. You should also be aware that if you are using these sites indirectly to communicate your feelings about our work to us, there is a good possibility that we may never see it.
If you are working with one of our providers, we hope that you will bring your feelings about and reactions to the work directly into the therapy process. This can be an important part of therapy, even if you decide that the provider is not a good fit for you. We want you to be with the provider who is best for you, and we will allow you to change to another provider in Medens Health or refer you to someone outside of Medens Health with no hard feelings.
If you do choose to write something on a business review site, we hope you will keep in mind that you may be sharing personally revealing information in a public forum. We urge you to create a pseudonym that is not linked to your regular email address or social networks for your own privacy and protection. Also, please be aware that rating your work with your provider on any of these websites while you are in treatment with that person has a significant potential to damage your ability to work together.
If you encounter reviews of Medens Health or any professional with whom you are working that concern you, please share them with us or with your provider so we can discuss it and its potential impact on your therapy.
Location-Based Services
If you use location-based services (LBS) on your mobile phone, you may wish to be aware of the privacy issues related to using these services. We do not place Medens Health as a check-in location on various sites. However, if you have GPS tracking enabled on your device, it is possible that others may guess that you are a therapy client due to regular check-ins at our office on a weekly basis. Please be aware of this risk if you are intentionally “checking in,” from our office or if you have a passive LBS app enabled on your phone that automatically checks in to locations without action from you.
Contact Us
We are dedicated to addressing any concerns promptly and taking appropriate measure to ensure equal access and a positive experience for all individuals seeking our services. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to report any issues related to non-discrimination or accessibility, please contact our Compliance Officer using one of the methods below.
Medens Health
Attention: Compliance Officer
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Phone: 833-953-7900
Fax: 844-654-2900
Email: complianceofficer@medenshealth.com
File a Complaint
Lastly, if you feel we have done something harmful or unethical and you do not feel comfortable discussing it with our staff or your provider, you can always contact the Board of Psychology, which oversees licensing, and they will review the services we have provided. Their contact information is below.
If you are in California:
State of California Board of Psychology
1625 North Market Boulevard, Suite N-215
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: 866-503-3221
Email: bopmail@dca.ca.gov
If you are in Nevada:
State of Nevada Board of Psychology
4600 Kietzke Lane, Bldg B-116
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: 775-688-1268
Email: nbop@govmail.state.nv.us
Effective Date
This revised Electronic Communications Policy is effective January 1, 2023.
Medens Health is committed to providing inclusive and accessible mental health care services to all individuals. We adhere to the principles of non-discrimination and strive to create an environment that is welcoming, respectful, and free from bias or prejudice.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Medens Health prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law. We are dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity in every aspect of our practice.
We are committed to ensuring our services are accessible to individuals of all abilities. Medens Health strives to provide reasonable accommodations and support to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. If you require any specific accommodations or have accessibility concerns, please let us know, and we will assist you.
Medens Health complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing non-discrimination and accessibility, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.
Language Assistance
We understand the importance of effective communication and language access for individuals with limited English proficiency. Medens Health provides language assistance services, including interpretation and translation services, to ensure effective communication during your interactions with our providers and staff. Please let us know if you require language assistance, and we will make appropriate arrangements.
Albanian: KUJDES: Nëse flitni shqip, për ju ka në dispozicion shërbime të asistencës gjuhësore, pa pagesë. Emailoni në hello@medenshealth.com.
Arabic: الانتباه: إذا كنت تتحدث العربية، فإن خدمات المساعدة اللغوية متاحة لك مجانًا. يُرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى hello@medenshealth.com.
Cambodian: ប្រយ័ត្ន៖ បើសិនជាអ្នកនិយាយភាសាខ្មែរ, បសូមទំនាក់ទំនង hello@medenshealth.com ។
Chinese: 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請發送電子郵件至hello@medenshealth.com.
Farsi: خبردار :اگر بھ زبان فارسی گفتگو می کنيد، تسھيالت زبانی بصورت رايگان برای شما. .ایمیل بفرستيد hello@medenshealth.com.
French Creole: ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis pou ou. Voye yon imèl nan hello@medenshealth.com.
French: ATTENTION : Si vous parlez français, des services d’aide linguistique vous sont proposés gratuitement. Envoyez un courrier électronique à hello@medenshealth.com.
Gujarati: સુચના: જો તમે ગુજરાતી બોલતા હો, તો તમારા માટે નિ:શુલ્ક ભાષા સહાય સેવાઓ ઉપલબ્ધ છે. સંપર્ક કરો hello@medenshealth.com.
Hindi: ध्यान दें: यदि आप हिंदी बोलते हैं, तो आपके द्वारा मुफ्त में भाषा सहायता सेवाएं उपलब्ध हैं। hello@medenshealth.com पर ईमेल करें।
Hmong: LUS CEEV: Yog tias koj hais lus Hmoob, cov kev pab txhais lus yog koj yog li cas. Hu rau hello@medenshealth.comm.
Italian: ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia l’italiano, sono disponibili servizi di assistenza linguistica gratuiti. Inviare un'email a hello@medenshealth.com.
Japanese: 注意事項:日本語を話される場合、無料の言語支援をご利用いただけます。hello@medenshealth.com まで、メールにてご連絡ください。
Korean: 주의: 한국어를 사용하시는 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다. hello@medenshealth.com 로 이메일을 보내주세요.
Lao: ໂປດຊາບ: ຖ້າວ່າທ່ານເວົ້າພາສາລາວ, ການບໍລິການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອດ້ານພາສາ, ໂດຍບໍ່ເສັຽຄ່າ, ແມ່ນມີພ້ອມໃຫ້ທ່ານ. ໂທຣ hello@medenshealth.com.
Nepali: यदि तपाईंस्पेनी बोल्नुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंसँग तपाईंको लागि दर्मफलक भाषा सहायता छ। ईमेल hello@medenshealth.com मा सम्पर्क
Polish: UWAGA: Jeżeli mówisz po polsku, możesz skorzystać z bezpłatnej pomocy językowej. Wyślij e-mail na adres hello@medenshealth.com.
Portuguese: ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos, grátis. Envie um email para hello@medenshealth.com.
Punjabi: ਧਿਆਨ ਧਰੋ: ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਬੋਲਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਮੁਫਤ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹਨ। ਸਮਰਥਨ ਦੇਵੋ hello@medenshealth.com.
Russian: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевода. Отправьте электронное письмо на адрес hello@medenshealth.com.
Serbo-Croatian: OBAVJEŠTENJE: Ako govorite srpsko-hrvatski, usluge jezičke pomoći dostupne su vam besplatno. Email hello@medenshealth.com.
Spanish: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Envíe un correo electrónico a hello@medenshealth.com.
Tagalog: PAUNAWA: Kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, maaari kang gumamit ng mga serbisyo ng tulong sa wika nang walang bayad. I-email ang hello@medenshealth.com.
Thai: เรียน: ถ้าคุณพูดภาษาไทยคุณสามารถใช้บริการช่วยเหลือทางภาษาได้ฟรีอีเมลที่ hello@medenshealth.com.
Ukrainian: УВАГА! Якщо ви розмовляєте українською мовою, ви можете звернутися до безкоштовної служби мовної підтримки. Напишіть на hello@medenshealth.com.
Urdu: خبردار: اگر آپ اردو بولتے ہیں، تو آپ کو زبان کی مدد کی خدمات مفت میں دستیاب ہیں۔ کال کریں: Urdu hello@medenshealth.com.
Vietnamese: CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn. Gửi email đến hello@medenshealth.com.
Yiddish: אויפמערקזאם: אויב איר רעדט אידיש, זענען פאר אייך שפראך הילף סערוויסעס פריי. רופט אונטער hello@medenshealth.com.
Contact Us
We are dedicated to addressing any concerns promptly and taking appropriate measures to ensure equal access and a positive experience for all individuals seeking our services. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to report any issues related to non-discrimination or accessibility, please contact our Compliance Officer using one of the methods below.
Medens Health
Attention: Compliance Officer
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Phone: 833-953-7900
Fax: 844-654-2900
Email: complianceofficer@medenshealth.com
File a Complaint
If you believe that Medens Health has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, or sexual orientation, you may file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, which is available here or by mail or phone at:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
Phone: 800-368-1019
Complaint forms are available here. Such complaints must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination.
Effective Date
This Non-Discrimination and Accessibility Policy is effective as of July 1, 2020.
Our Practice Policies are designed to facilitate and optimize your treatment. Please ask us any questions you might have so that you can be fully informed and prepared as you begin your treatment.
Psychological Services
Psychotherapy is a dynamic process that adapts to the needs and personality of the client, the therapist, and the unique problems the client is experiencing. It's important to remember that your therapist is there to guide and support you. They will employ various techniques to help you address the problems you hope to overcome, creating a safe and supportive environment for your journey.
Psychotherapy calls for an active effort on your part both during and in between sessions. Psychotherapy can have benefits and risks since therapy often involves discussing challenging aspects of your life. As a result, you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness. On the other hand, psychotherapy has also been shown to have many benefits. Therapy often leads to better relationships, resolutions to specific problems, and reductions in feelings of distress. However, there are no guarantees of what you will experience.
Initial Visit
Your first and possibly second sessions will involve an evaluation of your needs, at which time your therapist will discuss their treatment recommendations. During this time, you can decide if your therapist is the best person to provide the services you need to meet your treatment goals. If psychotherapy is initiated, your therapist usually schedules one 60-minute weekly session. If you decide to discontinue your work with your therapist, they can help you secure an appropriate consultation with another qualified mental health professional at Medens Health.
In general, the law protects the privacy of all communications between a patient and a therapist, and your therapist can only release information with your permission. However, there are a few exceptions in which your therapist is legally obligated to act to protect others from harm, even if it requires that your therapist reveal information about your treatment.
These exceptions include:
1) If you reveal information related to the abuse or neglect of a child, dependent adult, or older adult, then the appropriate authorities may be contacted.
2) If you threaten bodily harm or death to yourself, your therapist may notify the appropriate authorities and other appropriate individuals (e.g., family members, inpatient hospital staff).
3) If you threaten bodily harm or death to others, your therapist may notify the appropriate authorities and/or the intended victim.
4) If there is clear and imminent danger to you or the public or probable cause to believe that a potential victim is likely to be in danger, your therapist may notify the appropriate authorities and/or the intended victim(s).
5) If a court of law issues a legitimate subpoena, your therapist must legally release the information stated on the subpoena.
6) If you are in therapy or being treated by order of a court of law, or if information is obtained to render an expert's report to an attorney, your therapist is legally required to release the information requested.
Your provider may occasionally find it helpful to consult with other healthcare professionals about a case. Your information may be shared in this context during a consultation without using your name. The consultant is also legally bound to keep the information confidential
Additionally, if you encounter your therapist in public, your therapist will not acknowledge you first. Your rights, privacy, and confidentiality are of the utmost importance, and your provider will not jeopardize your privacy. However, if you acknowledge your provider first, they will gladly speak briefly with you. Still, they will not provide therapy or engage in lengthy discussions in public or outside the office.
Professional Records
The laws and standards of the mental health profession require that Medens Health maintain treatment records. Your records are stored on an offsite server that is HIPPA compliant. You are entitled to request a copy of your records unless your therapist believes that seeing them would be emotionally damaging; in this case, your therapist will review them with you or send them to another mental health professional of your choice to allow you to review and discuss the contents.
Fees and Insurance
Your fee for psychotherapy will be agreed upon prior to your first session. Medens Health is presently in network with many commercial insurance plans, Medicare, and Medicaid/Medi-Cal. If you would like to use your insurance to cover a portion of your sessions, please provide us with a copy of your insurance card and photo ID so that we may verify benefits prior to your first session.
You should be aware that all insurance companies require us to provide a clinical diagnosis. In some cases, we are required to provide additional clinical information such as treatment plans or summaries, or copies of the entire record (in rare cases) and said information will be on file with the insurance company. Although all insurance companies claim to keep such information confidential, Medens Health has no control over what they do with the information once it has been released. Your therapist will inform you if any information beyond a diagnosis code is required. If you decide to utilize your insurance, a disclosure authorization is required.
The fee for administering psychological assessments depends on the desired report and the tests that are required. Other services may include report writing, telephone conversations lasting longer than 15 minutes, attendance at meetings with other professionals you have authorized, preparation of records or treatment summaries, and time spent performing any other service you may request. If you become involved in legal proceedings that require your therapist’s participation, you will be expected to pay for your therapist’s time including preparation, transportation, and attendance costs.
Sessions are payable by credit card or by using one of our payment methods we offer. For all services provided by us, payment is due at the time service is rendered unless prior arrangements have been made.
Financial Policy
Medens Health is committed to meeting your mental health needs and ensuring the financial arrangement for your care is as seamless as possible. Accordingly, we request that you adhere to our financial policy which is as follows:
1) You agree to receive billing statements, invoices and receipts via email and/or through your client portal account. You understand that it is your responsibility to maintain a current email address on file and that you will not receive a hardcopy of any statement, invoice or receipt via US mail.
2) Some immediate payment may be expected at the time of service. This will occur if Medens Health determines that (i) the cost of your care will not be reimbursed by your insurance plan because the annual deductible is not yet satisfied, and/or (ii) your plan includes a cost share, such as a copayment or coinsurance.
3) You authorize Medens Health to apply charges to your payment card for all amounts owed for visits, procedures or supplies at the close of your appointment. This includes (i) any amounts agreed upon as part of a payment plan, (ii) copayments, (iii) coinsurance [after application of insurance proceeds], (iv) services not covered by insurance, and/or (v) fees [if applicable] charged by Medens Health for failure to keep a scheduled appointment or provide timely notice of appointment cancellation as per our Cancellation Policy.
4) Once a payment is processed, you understand it may take 3 to 5 business days before the charge is settled with your bank.
5) You acknowledge that your payment card will be charged for any outstanding balance in the event payment is not received within thirty days after you receive care and/or an electronic billing statement.
6) You agree to update any information regarding this payment card account should it expire or change.
Contacting Your Provider
Your provider is often not immediately available by telephone. When your provider is unavailable, calls are answered by a confidential voicemail that your therapist monitors frequently during business hours. Your therapist will make every effort to return your call on the same day, except for weekends and holidays. If your therapist will be unavailable for an extended period, he/she will provide you with the name of a colleague to contact if you need immediate assistance. If you are unable to reach your therapist and it is an emergency, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Creative Content Disclaimer
Through our blog, social media, and other creative content, Medens Health provides information on mental health topics such as health and wellness, relationships, and personal growth. However, we do not offer healthcare, mental health care, medical, or nutrition therapy services or aim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure physical or mental health conditions through our content.
Before following any suggestions from our content, please keep the following in mind:
· The information we publish is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional help because of the information you have read.
· Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your healthcare professional.
· For conditions such as eating disorders, substance use, pregnancy, or any other physical, psychological, or emotional concerns, please seek advice from your doctor or healthcare provider before implementing steps, tips, or recommendations published in our content.
· Always consult your medical or mental health provider for any questions or concerns regarding your specific health. This ensures that you are well-informed and secure in your health decisions.
By using our content, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your health decisions. It is essential that you always exercise your judgment and conduct thorough research before applying any ideas or advice from our content to your life. You acknowledge and accept that we do not promise specific outcomes or results from the information in our creative content, and you are solely responsible for your choices, actions, and results.
Freedom to Withdraw
You have the right to end therapy at any time. If desired, your therapist can provide you with the names of other qualified provider at Medens Health.
Litigation Limitation
Due to the nature of the therapeutic process and the fact that it often involves making a full disclosure with regard to many matters that may be of a confidential nature, it is agreed that should there be legal proceedings (such as, but not limited to, divorce and custody disputes, injuries, lawsuits, etc.), neither you (the patient) nor your attorney, nor anyone else acting on your behalf will call on Medens Health to testify in court or at any other proceeding, nor will a disclosure of the psychotherapy records be requested. If, however, you become involved in legal proceedings that require your therapist’s participation, you will be expected to pay for all professional time, including preparation and transportation costs, even if your therapist is called to testify by another party. Because of the difficulty of legal involvement, Medens Health will assess an hourly charge of $250 for preparation, travel, and attendance at any legal proceeding.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to report any issues related to our practice policies, please contact our Compliance Officer using one of the methods below.
Medens Health
Attention: Compliance Officer
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Phone: 833-953-7900
Fax: 844-654-2900
Email: complianceofficer@medenshealth.com
Notice to Consumers
If you feel that Medens Health has done something harmful or unethical and you do not feel comfortable discussing it with your provider, you can always contact the Board of Psychology, which oversees licensing. They will review the services that you have been provided.
If you are in California:
State of California Board of Psychology
1625 North Market Boulevard, Suite N-215
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: 866-503-3221
Email: bopmail@dca.ca.gov
If you are in Nevada:
State of Nevada Board of Psychology
4600 Kietzke Lane, Bldg B-116
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: 775-688-1268
Email: nbop@govmail.state.nv.us
Effective Date
This revised Practice Policy is effective August 1, 2024.
Privacy is a legal right, and protecting information gathered concerning our patient's care is a core value at Medens Health. Furthermore, our ethical and contractual obligation is to protect our patients' information, and they must agree to disclose any information we hold.
Patient Requests
To authorize us to disclose the details of your care with someone else (such as a family member or another healthcare professional), submit your request by completing our Consent To Release Information.
Patients are entitled to request a copy of their records. If you are a current patient, please get in touch with your provider directly. If you are no longer a patient, submit your request here. However, if we determine that viewing your records would have a negative effect on you, we will discuss our decision and review them with you. Alternatively, documents may be sent to another mental health professional of your choice to allow them to review and discuss the contents with you.
Third-party Requests
It is essential to know that consent requirements for mental health information are much more stringent than medical information. Therefore, the following conditions apply to mental health records in our possession:
- Medens Health will not acknowledge that a patient is under our care via a request from a third party unless a written release from the patient is included.
- A signed Authorization for the Release of Protected Health Information from the patient outlining the specific mental health records being requested must accompany all requests and subpoenas. The authorization must contain a wet signature; DocuSign is also acceptable. If a signed authorization is unavailable, proof that the patient was notified and their right to object must be thoroughly documented.
Attorneys and document discovery services:
All records requests and subpoenas must be mailed. Since fax transmission can be unreliable, submissions received via fax will not be processed.
Requests must be mailed to our registered agent at the following address:
Medens Health
c/o Records Request
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Insurance companies and agencies that make disability decisions for the Social Security Administration:
Requests must clearly state the use for which the information is being requested. Please note, the following identifying information must be included with the request:
First/Last Name
Date of Birth (DOB)
Patients member ID and/or Social Security Number
Date(s) of Service
Requests may be faxed to (844) 654-2900. To follow up, email records@medenshealth.com or call (833) 953-7600.
Our Telehealth Policy contains essential information about providing healthcare services via phone or the Internet. Please ask us any questions you might have so that you can be fully informed and prepared as you begin your treatment.
Benefits and Risks of Telehealth
Telehealth refers to providing services remotely using telecommunications technologies, such as video conferencing or the telephone. One of the benefits of telehealth is that the client and provider can engage in services without being in the same physical location. It is also more convenient and takes less time, as there is no commute. Telehealth, however, requires technical competence in both the provider and the client to be helpful. Although telehealth has benefits, there are some differences between in-person treatment and telehealth and some risks.
For example:
Risks to confidentiality:
As telehealth sessions take place outside of our offices, there is potential for other people to overhear sessions if you are not in a private area during the session. On our end, your provider will take reasonable steps to ensure your privacy. However, it would be best to find a private place where you will not be interrupted. It is also essential for you to protect the confidentiality of your session on your cell phone or other device. You should participate only in a room or area where other people are not present and cannot overhear the conversation.
Issues related to technology:
There are many ways that technology issues might impact telehealth. For example, technology may stop working during a session; other people might be able to get access to a private conversation, or unauthorized people or companies could access stored data.
Crisis management and intervention:
Usually, Medens Health providers will not engage in telehealth with clients currently in a crisis requiring high levels of support and intervention. We may not have an option of in-person services, but you may require a higher level of services in a crisis. Before engaging in telehealth, you and your provider will develop an emergency response plan to address potential crises during telehealth work.
Electronic Communications
Treatment is most effective when clinical discussions occur at your regularly scheduled sessions. But if an urgent issue arises, you should feel free to attempt to reach your provider by phone. They will try to return your call within 24 hours, except on weekends and holidays. If you cannot reach your provider and feel that you cannot wait for them to return your call, and if you need immediate attention, contact your family physician or proceed to the nearest emergency room. If your provider will be unavailable for an extended time, they will inform you of this and provide you with the name of a colleague to contact during their absence, if necessary.
Medens Health and your provider have a legal and ethical responsibility to do our best to protect all communications that are a part of telehealth services. The nature of electronic communications technologies, however, is such that we cannot guarantee that our communications will be kept confidential or that other people may not gain access to our communications. We use updated encryption methods, firewalls, and backup systems to help keep your information private. However, there is a risk that others may compromise, unsecured, or access our electronic communications. You should also take reasonable steps to ensure the security of our communications. For example, only use secure networks for telehealth sessions and establish passwords to protect the device you use for telehealth.
The extent of confidentiality and the exceptions to privacy outlined in our Informed Consent still apply in telehealth. Please let your provider know if you have any questions about exceptions to confidentiality.
Safety Considerations
Telehealth can present unique challenges for your provider in keeping you safe. In the unlikely event that an emergency was to occur during your session (medical emergency, accident, domestic violence, fire, etc.), your provider must know where to direct the appropriate authorities. For this reason, you must share the address of your location with your provider. Your provider will ask for the address during your first session and will ask again in any session where you appear to be in a different location.
Your provider must also assess your safety for conducting therapy in your physical space. Suppose they determine that you are at risk of suffering domestic violence or abuse or that you are at risk of harming yourself or others. In that case, they will notify the appropriate authorities to ensure your safety.
Assessing and evaluating threats and other emergencies can be more difficult when conducting telehealth than in traditional in-person treatment. To address some of these difficulties, you and your provider will create an emergency plan before engaging in telehealth services. Your provider will ask you to identify an emergency contact person near your location and whom they will contact in the event of a crisis or emergency to assist in addressing the situation. You will be asked to sign a separate authorization form allowing them to get your emergency contact person as needed during such a crisis or emergency.
If the session is interrupted for any reason, such as technological connection failure, and you are having an emergency, do not call your provider back; instead, call 9-1-1, or go to your nearest emergency room. Call your provider back after you have called or obtained emergency services.
Appropriateness of Telehealth
Your provider will let you know if they decide telehealth is no longer the most appropriate treatment for you. If you determine that telehealth is not optimal for you, it is essential to inform your provider. In either case, they will discuss options for in-person sessions or supply you with referrals to another professional in your location who can provide appropriate services.
Telehealth sessions shall not be recorded in any way unless agreed to in writing by mutual consent. Your provider will maintain a record of your session like they keep records of in-person sessions following Medens Health’s policies and their state licensing board.
Freedom to Withdraw
You have the right to withdraw at any time without affecting your right to future care, services, or program benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns related to our telehealth policy, please contact our Compliance Officer using one of the methods below.
Medens Health
Attention: Compliance Officer
2108 N Street, #5619
Sacramento, CA 95816-5712
Phone: 833-953-7900
Fax: 844-654-2900
Email: complianceofficer@medenshealth.com
Effective Date
This revised Telehealth Policy is effective July 1, 2023.